3 photos   929 visits
0 Hola-Yo soi Mariposa

member since 5 July 2011

0 Hola-Yo soi Mariposa

Hey guys..That`s Mariposa (: I`m a girl of 16 old years <3 I`m new here and I`m here to make new friends ! xD Anyway..umm`.. I don`t wanna got y`a bored..Soo`..Welcome to my page and I hope we`ll become friends ! n_n
#MariposaLovesYou ♥

Comments • 5

Nyah19014 5 July 2011  
Barbiee ~ xD Aye ^^ Welcome ~ :3
MariposaTeQuiero 5 July 2011  
Ayee` <3 Thanks bbe (:
DeDexD 5 July 2011  
I love your name:X
MariposaTeQuiero 5 July 2011  
Hola Dede <3 And thanks (:
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